Capturing Stillness and Movement:​ Toshio Shibata​

As part of the preparation for the exercise on stillness and movement, we are asked to research the work of Japanese photographer, Toshio Shibata. He is known for his images of dams and waterways in Japan which combine the two elements of this topic so effectively.

Figure 1: Tochigi Prefecture



Figure 2: Suwa City, Nagano Prefecture


Toshio Shibata’s starkly beautiful images combine the strong, static lines of man-made structures such as dams with the fluidity of the water passing through them.

His skyless images focus in on the geometric shapes of the structures with the water moving over and through them.

Many, but not all of his images are black and white which adds to the starkness of the overall effect.

He uses both long and short exposures to create different effects with the water. In long exposures, the water often looks like a graceful ribbon surrounded by tough harshness. In shorter exposures the water really comes to life, looking animated against a solid background.

These are strong, powerful images with a brutalist feel.  Many of the images give an almost graphic impression, abstract as if a scene from a sci-fi movie or graphic novel – they seem not to be of this world It is initially hard to identify precisely what you are looking at.

As well enjoying the visual juxtaposition of fluid water static, unmoveable concrete and steel structures I found the images strongly communicated the contrast between the agility of nature and the solidity and forcefulness of man-made objects  – with the message being that although we may impose ourselves on the natural environment  we can never truly contain or control nature.


Fig 1; Shibata, T; (2013); Tochigi Prefecture; at; (Accessed on 27.06.18)

Fig 2; Shibata, T; (2003); Suwa City, Nagano Prefecture, at (Accessed on 27.06.18)

Author: Michelle Coulter

New photography student, living in London but travelling whenever possible

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